REST Endpoints

REST Endpoints


It's recommended to use one of the client libraries, but if for some reason you can't use them, TurboCore provides a REST API for authentication. You can use this API to sign up, sign in, and log out users. You can also use this API to get a user's information and refresh their JWT token.


Endpoints that require authentication will be marked with a πŸ”’. See Using the REST API for more information.

GET /api/auth/user πŸ”’

You can get a user's information by sending a GET request to the /api/auth/user endpoint.

Method: GET

Endpoint: /api/auth/get-user

Request Body: None

Response Body:

Property NameTypeDescription
uidstringThe UID of the user
emailstringThe email of the user
created_atintegerThe date the user was created in UNIX epoch time
updated_atintegerThe date the user was last updated in UNIX epoch time
last_logininteger | nullThe date the user last logged in in UNIX epoch time
activebooleanWhether the user is active
email_verifiedbooleanWhether the user's email is verified
metadatastringA JSON string to store additional metadata about the user

Example response:

    "uid": "710f7e29-4082-4421-b9b5-49f56a393832",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "created_at": 1633040000,
    "updated_at": 1633040000,
    "last_login": 1633040000,
    "email_verified": true,
    "metadata": "{\"role\": \"admin\", \"name\": \"John Doe\", \"age\": 21}"

Common Errors:

  • NOT_AUTHENTICATED: The Authorization header is missing or invalid
  • USER_NOT_FOUND: The requested user was not found

POST /api/auth/user/login

You can sign in a user by sending a POST request to the /api/auth/user/login endpoint.

Method: POST

Endpoint: /api/auth/user/login

Request Body:

Property NameTypeDescription
emailstringThe email of the user
passwordstringThe password of the user

Response Body:

Property NameTypeDescription
uidstringThe UID of the requested user
tokenstringThe JWT token of requested the user
expirystringThe date the token expires in UNIX epoch time
refresh_tokenstringA token used to get a new JWT token from TurboCore
email_verifiedbooleanWhether the user's email has been verified
metadatastringA JSON string to store additional metadata about the user

Example response:

    "uid": "710f7e29-4082-4421-b9b5-49f56a393832",
    "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJleHAiOiIxNjc3NDgwNDg3IiwiaXNzIjoiVHVyYm9Db3JlIiwidHlwZSI6ImF0IiwidWlkIjoiRGlkIHlvdSByZWFsbHkgdHJ5IHRvIGRlY29kZSBhbiBleGFtcGxlIEpXVD8ifQ.ha6rxS3FXwkj5dOcBps1ji0z_CgBgID0eYPHnEtDOKg",
    "expiry": 1633040000,
    "refresh_token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJleHAiOiIxNjc3NDgwNDg3IiwiaXNzIjoiVHVyYm9Db3JlIiwidHlwZSI6ImF0IiwidWlkIjoiRGlkIHlvdSByZWFsbHkgdHJ5IHRvIGRlY29kZSBhbiBleGFtcGxlIEpXVD8ifQ.ha6rxS3FXwkj5dOcBps1ji0z_CgBgID0eYPHnEtDOKg",
    "email_verified": true,
    "metadata": "{\"role\": \"admin\", \"name\": \"John Doe\", \"age\": 21}"

Common Errors:

  • INVALID_CREDENTIALS: The email or password is invalid
  • USER_DISABLED: The user has been disabled by an administrator

POST /api/auth/user/create

You can create a user by sending a POST request to the /api/auth/user/create endpoint.

Method: POST

Endpoint: /api/auth/user/create

Request Body:

Property NameTypeDescription
emailstringThe email of the user
passwordstringThe password of the user
loginbooleanWhether to login the user after signing up
email_verifiedbooleanWhether the user's email has been verified
metadatastringA JSON string to store additional metadata about the user

Response Body:

Property NameTypeDescription
uidstringThe UID of the new user
tokenstring | nullThe JWT token of requested the user
expirystring | nullThe date the token expires in UNIX epoch time
refresh_tokenstring | nullA token used to get a new JWT token from TurboCore
email_verifiedboolean | nullWhether the user's email has been verified
metadatastring | nullA JSON string to store additional metadata about the user

Example responses:

Without login:

    "uid": "710f7e29-4082-4421-b9b5-49f56a393832"

With login:

    "uid": "710f7e29-4082-4421-b9b5-49f56a393832",
    "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJleHAiOiIxNjc3NDgwNDg3IiwiaXNzIjoiVHVyYm9Db3JlIiwidHlwZSI6ImF0IiwidWlkIjoiRGlkIHlvdSByZWFsbHkgdHJ5IHRvIGRlY29kZSBhbiBleGFtcGxlIEpXVD8ifQ.ha6rxS3FXwkj5dOcBps1ji0z_CgBgID0eYPHnEtDOKg",
    "expiry": 1633040000,
    "refresh_token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJleHAiOiIxNjc3NDgwNDg3IiwiaXNzIjoiVHVyYm9Db3JlIiwidHlwZSI6ImF0IiwidWlkIjoiRGlkIHlvdSByZWFsbHkgdHJ5IHRvIGRlY29kZSBhbiBleGFtcGxlIEpXVD8ifQ.ha6rxS3FXwkj5dOcBps1ji0z_CgBgID0eYPHnEtDOKg",
    "email_verified": true,
    "metadata": "{\"role\": \"admin\", \"name\": \"John Doe\", \"age\": 21}"

Common Errors:

  • EMAIL_ALREADY_IN_USE: The email is already in use
  • INVALID_EMAIL: The email is invalid
  • WEAK_PASSWORD: The password is too weak

POST /api/auth/user/refresh

You can refresh a user's JWT token by sending a POST request to the /api/auth/user/refresh endpoint.

Method: POST

Endpoint: /api/auth/user/refresh

Request Body:

Property NameTypeDescription
refresh_tokenstringThe refresh token of the user

Response Body:

Property NameTypeDescription
uidstringThe UID of the requested user
access_tokenstringThe JWT token of requested the user
refresh_tokenstringA token used to get a new JWT token from TurboCore
expiryintegerThe date the token expires in UNIX epoch time

Example Response:

    "uid": "710f7e29-4082-4421-b9b5-49f56a393832",
    "access_token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJleHAiOiIxNjc3NDgwNDg3IiwiaXNzIjoiVHVyYm9Db3JlIiwidHlwZSI6ImF0IiwidWlkIjoiRGlkIHlvdSByZWFsbHkgdHJ5IHRvIGRlY29kZSBhbiBleGFtcGxlIEpXVD8ifQ.ha6rxS3FXwkj5dOcBps1ji0z_CgBgID0eYPHnEtDOKg",
    "expiry": 1633040000,
    "refresh_token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJleHAiOiIxNjc3NDgwNDg3IiwiaXNzIjoiVHVyYm9Db3JlIiwidHlwZSI6ImF0IiwidWlkIjoiRGlkIHlvdSByZWFsbHkgdHJ5IHRvIGRlY29kZSBhbiBleGFtcGxlIEpXVD8ifQ.ha6rxS3FXwkj5dOcBps1ji0z_CgBgID0eYPHnEtDOKg"

Common Errors:

  • INVALID_REFRESH_TOKEN: The provided JWT could not be verified by the server
  • EXPIRED_JWT: The provided JWT has already expired

POST /api/auth/user/logout πŸ”’

You can revoke a user's refresh token by sending a POST request to the /api/auth/user/logout endpoint. This has the effect of logging the user out. If a refresh token is not provided, then all the user's refresh token will be revoked, effectively logging the user out of all devices.

Method: POST

Endpoint: /api/auth/user/logout

Request Body:

Property NameTypeDescription
refresh_tokenstring(Optional) The refresh token of the user

Response Body: None

Common Errors:

  • NOT_AUTHENTICATED: The Authorization header is missing or invalid

Warning: This endpoint does not revoke the user's access token, which expires after a maximum of 15 minutes.

POST /api/auth/magic-link

You can send a magic link to a user by sending a POST request to the /api/auth/magic-link endpoint. The user will be redirected to the URL specified in the next_url parameter after they sign in.

Method: POST

Endpoint: /api/auth/magic-link

Request Body:

Property NameTypeDescription
emailstringThe email of the user
sign_upbooleanWhether to create a new user if the user does not exist
next_urlstringThe URL to redirect the user to after they sign in

Response Body: None

Next URL Parameters:

Property NameTypeDescription
uidstringThe UID of the user
atstringThe JWT token of the user
rtstringA token used to get a new JWT token from TurboCore
expintegerThe date the token expires in UNIX epoch time

Common Errors:

  • INVALID_EMAIL: The email is invalid
  • USER_NOT_FOUND: The user was not found

Once the user clicks the magic link, they will be redirected to the URL specified in the next_url parameter. The next_url parameter will be appended with the following query parameters: uid, at, rt, and exp as described in the table above.

POST /api/auth/user/verify-email πŸ”’

You can verify a user's email by sending a POST request to the /api/auth/user/verify-email endpoint. This will send a verification email to the user's email address.

Method: POST

Endpoint: /api/auth/user/verify-email

Request Body:

Property NameTypeDescription
next_urlstringThe URL to redirect the user to after they verify their email

Response Body: None

Common Errors:

  • NOT_AUTHENTICATED: The Authorization header is missing or invalid
  • EMAIL_ALREADY_VERIFIED: The user's email is already verified
  • USER_NOT_FOUND: The user was not found
  • EMAIL_NOT_CONFIGURED: The server is not configured to send emails

PATCH /api/auth/user/change-password πŸ”’

You can change a user's password by sending a PATCH request to the /api/auth/user/change-password endpoint.

Method: PATCH

Endpoint: /api/auth/user/change-password

Request Body:

Property NameTypeDescription
old_passwordstringThe old password of the user or a reset password token
new_passwordstringThe new password of the user

Response Body: None

Common Errors:

  • NOT_AUTHENTICATED: The Authorization header is missing or invalid
  • INVALID_PASSWORD: The old password is invalid
  • WEAK_PASSWORD: The new password is too weak

POST /api/auth/reset-password

You can reset a user's password by sending a POST request to the /api/auth/reset-password endpoint. This will send a password reset email to the user's email address. For security, this endpoint does not return an error if the email is not found.

Method: POST

Endpoint: /api/auth/reset-password

Request Body:

Property NameTypeDescription
emailstringThe email of the user
reset_urlstringThe URL where the user can reset their password

Response Body: None

Reset URL Parameters:

Property NameTypeDescription
tokenstringA token used to reset the user's password. Pass this token to /api/auth/user/change-password

The reset_url parameter will be appended with a token that can be used to reset the user's password by sending a PATCH request to the /api/auth/user/change-password endpoint.

PUT /api/auth/user πŸ”’

You can update a user's email or metadata by sending a PUT request to the /api/auth/user endpoint.

Method: PUT

Endpoint: /api/auth/user

Request Body:

Property NameTypeDescription
emailstringThe new email of the user
metadatastringA JSON string to store additional metadata about the user

Response Body: None

Common Errors:

  • NOT_AUTHENTICATED: The user is not signed in
  • EMAIL_ALREADY_IN_USE: The email is already in use
  • INVALID_EMAIL: The email is invalid

DELETE /api/auth/user πŸ”’

You can delete a user by sending a DELETE request to the /api/auth/user endpoint.

Method: DELETE

Endpoint: /api/auth/user

Request Body: None

Response Body: None

Common Errors:

  • NOT_AUTHENTICATED: The Authorization header is missing or invalid